Monday, May 28, 2012

Been a really long time.

I hope he wont change his heart. so many things happened.
and sometimes, i feel seriously scared. 
i'm afraid he'll change his mind, i'm afraid he'll leave me.
i'm afraid everything that we planned will not happen.

Astaghfirullah. i'm seriously scared. until i keep thinking things negatively.

but kenapa lupa,
Allah itu adil, Allah itu ketahui semuanya.
Allah itu lihat semuanya kan?

maybe He has save another good date for us. Maybe He has planned something better for us.
Maybe He has something good for us awaits if we sabar.

I never regret choosing hafiz zulkhanain. I never regret choosing a seafarer. to wait for him, is not the problem.

its just i am too scared of loosing him

the problem is me.

I never blamed him for being a seafarer as it was not something to be blamed, but i'm proud to have him as a seafarer, and i believe, this destiny, of meeting him, is one of the best moment in my life.

to have such an understanding man, patience enough, romantic enough to be by my side is such a blessing from Allah.
is such a good thing that has happened in my life.

people tend to think things negatively if they scared they might lose that particular someone.

i think, i've turn to become a paranoid.

Oh Allah, lead me, dont leave me, dont let me down, dont let me give up.

Ya Rabb, jika benar dia untukku, dekatkanlah hati kami, panjangkan jodoh kami, kuatkan jodoh kami..
jika perkahwinan ini benar buat kami, lancarkan lah urusannya.
Kerana aku ingin dia jadi pemilik cintaku, selepas Mu ya Rabb, dan Rasul ku. ;')


istadartiah shamsudin said...

insyaAllah dipermudah segala urusan keranaNya awak :)
always do believe okayh.
such a beautiful love story u had, have and will have with him insyaAllah :D

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