Sunday, September 18, 2011


Only one week left. seriously. dont know what kind of feeling that i have right now.

Two quizes left.
physics practical lab and chemistry's last quiz which both are on Tuesday.

Exam will be in two weeks,
first week struggle with BTQ and Physics,

and my last paper is on 3rd October which is Chemistry.

Electrochemistry, the chapter about electrolysis is quite make me confuse -_-
and i hate it.

now i can feel the pressure.
its like you are hearing to the loud rock music, your heart is reluctant and you are barely able to breathe.

16 quranic ayat to be remembered.
Oh Allah, make it easy for me, janganlah Kau hijabkan hati ku. Amin.

Chemist physics btq.
Please be nice dear love. need to score now.

* please be nice, this you can hear from me when it comes to exam.

Okay fine. aku serabut sekarang.

Oh tak.

aku tension fikir BTQ punya carry mark sgt rendah, ayat hafazan xterhafal dan cuma tinggal seminggu.

Ok bye

*rendam diri sendiri dalam air sejuk.

gua rindu rumah. wuwwuwuwuwwuwuwu.

aku da nak masuk sembilan belas.
orang salam tangan aku cium tangan. lagi2 adik2 mentee.
okay. itu buat aku tension.

mentee ada nak kawen bulan 11 ni.
okay aku jeles.
ha ha ha. * nak kawen jugak boleh?

aku stress. sekian.


nyctophilacuu said...

YA ALLAH, YA RAHMAN, YA RAHIM...Lancarkanlah mata pena Nurul Fatin Husna Kamaruddin semasa menjawab exam... Kembalikanlah kepada dia apa yang telah dia pelajari... Ilhamkanlah kepada dia apa yang dia tidak ketahui...
Hanya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui, Maha Bijaksana.

*InsyaAllah... :)

FatinHusnaKamaruddin said...

aminn :)
