Friday, August 19, 2011

Melaka tour :)

I went to melaka today for a tour. actually i went to meet lala as she was coming back from egypt to celebrate aidifitri here.

As i never been to here and there in melaka, so i suggested them to visit several historical places here, in melaka.

i am melaka-an but never been to samudera muzeum, to the stadhyus and yada yada -_-'

Here are some pictures,

Melaka is so hot, seriously, until i bought an umbrella for myself :)
pink one, and ada's the rainbow one, and lala the grey in colour umbrella.

So pictures start here :)

an umbrella for a sunny day :)

roommates , classmates , bestfriends :)

friendship ^_^

nama tempat ni , entah T_T

kincir angin kesultanan melayu Melaka.
It is a replica , a huge replica :)
can you see us?

This is samudera muzeum.
It is so big and seriously, walking in the sunny day made me starve for water eventhough it was at 11am.

We went to bowling at MP,
and i got the lowest mark.
Sekian T_T

Dr.Lala and Dr.Ain.
InsyaAllah, amin :)

Dr.Ada :)

I went back home at 3:30pm.
Then helping my mum with the preparation for breaking the fast -_-'
Melaratkan diri demi si ibu.

Dan tadi, baru je lepas buat kuih raya.
Bersama mak tersayang dan si rumet tersayang :')


Okay, nak tido, goodnight kawan-kawan.

Sometimes,when you need to forget your past, do not have any connection that may related you to the past, as when that presence, you cant forget, you'll eventually remember every and each thing that you wanna forget.

I've made decision. where this decision.
I know i wont able to bear with it, but, may You helps me.
This is the only way, i hope, there will be rainbows after this long and heavy rain.

1 comment:


wahhh seronok nyerr bertour -- ing huhuhu